Pay it Forward Program

Not everyone can afford mobile veterinary care. 

The Mobile Vet has created the Pay it Forward Program to help clients in need receive in-home care for their pets. These clients often include low-income elderly or diabled clients for whom taking their pet to a brick-and-mortar clinic is difficult. 

How It Works

  • Dr. Schofield donates time/professional services: $109 (exam fee) for each pet. 
  • Pay it Forward Concierge Client's monthly subscription fee: $158 (provides travel fee for 2 visits to clients-in-need). 
  • A client in need pays for vaccines, medications, any other serives (ear cleaning, nail trims, etc) but does not owe for the price of the exam or the travel fee. 

Pay it Forward Concierge Client

  • $158/month subscription service gives Concierge Client increased access to Telehealth modalities such a zoom calls, advice phone calls, texting, and visits when needed. 
  • Concierge Client can nominate a client-in-need or they can leave the distribution of their funds to the descretion of The Mobile Vet.  If approved, clients-in-need will never be turned down, even if subscription funds are not available. 


  • Apply by emailing us as [email protected]. Let us know why mobile veterinarian care is needed for pet pet and what circumstances make it challenging for you to make it to a brick-and-mortar clinic. We may request addition documentation such as as an ID and personal references. 
  • An estimate for services will be provided at your visit and payment for any vaccines, medications, or services is due at the time of the visit.